There are 7,000 people currently assisted by around 700 volunteers from the Croce Rosa of Cagliari in every area: health, psychology and food. The vast majority of those who turn to the Viale Merello office are made up of those who live in the capital. « A number tripled compared to before the pandemic. And every day this figure continues to rise regardless of nationality: half are Italian, the other half are foreigners," says the president of the organization's Cagliari section, who attended the ceremony for the World Day of the Red Cross and the Crescent this morning Red.

This year the international association celebrates the 159th anniversary of its foundation and the 195th anniversary of the birth, on May 8, of Henry Durant, founder of the Red Cross. The event, held in the square of the Cagliari headquarters in viale Merello in the presence of civil and military authorities and accompanied by the performance of the Sassari Brigade musical band, was also an opportunity to inaugurate the new Doblò vehicle for transporting people with mobility difficulties and to visit the former hospital under the cave set up for the care of the wounded during the Second World War.

«The main activities we carry out», continues Fernanda Loche, «concern health prevention with free screening, transporting the sick, helping people who live on the street and families in need of basic necessities and psychological assistance. This regards what we do in Cagliari and in the rest of the island. At an international level, the Red Cross and the Red Crescent are involved in assisting the hottest fronts on the planet: from Sudan to Ukraine, passing through aid to the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria ».

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