The labor market in Sardinia is resisting the crisis. In October there were 2050 more employed than in September. The figure has grown by 12,500 units if the comparison is with the same month in 2021. 336,000 men and only 245,175 women are employed. So wages for women are around 90,000 less. A number that becomes even heavier if we consider that there are about 812,000 women on the island compared to 778,000 men.

There are 381,421 permanent contracts in place. On the other hand, there are 74,528 temporary employment relationships (of any type). All the others, around 124,000, are self-employed workers who earn outside a relationship of subordination.

The photograph of the labor market in Sardinia was taken by the Bruno Buozzi study center of Uil, chaired by Cristiano Ardau, regional secretary of UilTucs.

In the situation on the island, the trade unionist reads positive aspects: "The data refer to October, therefore they are not influenced by the tourist season which, it is known, increases the employment numbers". The slight increase compared to last year therefore "suggests that something is moving".

The crisis exists, but the collapse that was feared during the pandemic has not been recorded.

Ardau reads the Sardinian numbers against the light of the national ones: "The data show a good trend in male employment while female employment continues to struggle", because "women suffer more from the effects of a difficult world of work, not very inclusive and lacking of social networks that reconcile work with family moments». It should be noted that women's employment is increasing compared to men's but it is stagnating and female unemployment is not decreasing.

Then there is another aspect: more busy, yes, but at what price? According to Ardau "the trend of salaries should be analyzed with respect to the data on employment, to better understand the qualitative trend of the world of work".


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