Woman in tears in via Cadello: "My bag was stolen". Thief tracked down thanks to purchases with the debit card
She was unloading the car when they took her bag, while she was telling the officers about the episode, the payment notifications arrived on her phone. A 31-year-old reported(Local Police Photo)
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In tears, she saw the local police officers of Cagliari and caught their attention: "They stole my bag from the car."
It happened in via Cadello, the victim was a woman who was unloading the car when someone took advantage of it, taking away the bag with personal effects, money, documents and ATM card.
Just as she was telling the officers about the episode, the woman received notifications on her phone of some payments that had just been made with her card. So the local police started tracking down the criminal and identified him: he is a 31-year-old homeless man, already known to the police. The man was taken to the local police offices and reported at large.