Even the Assembly of the Tepilora Park says no to the construction of the wind power plant between the territories of Bitti and Orune , a no "which should not be understood as a stance against energy conversion from fossil fuels, against renewables and all new green technologies capable of ensuring clean energy for the different needs of our territories ".

This is what emerged today from the debate within the assembly that governs the Park Authority, which recalled how the Municipality of Bitti with its northern territory, together with Lodè, Torpè and Posada, shared an important challenge in giving birth to the Park largest and youngest regional in central northern Sardinia .

“An experience - they specified by the assembly - that it is necessary to accompany on a virtuous path, which looks to a future of economic and social development characterized by the sustainability of all the actions that must be taken to make our communities grow. The Gomoretta plant would in fact put at risk one of the most important scientific research programs in the world, the Einstein Telescope . An ambitious project on which a vast area of the center of the island has decided to focus and which could bring benefits to the whole of Sardinia and Italy ”.

(Unioneonline / D)

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