The waste dispute remains open in the Municipality of Porto Torres. The unions Fp Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uil Trasporti, represented respectively by the territorial secretaries Paolo Dettori, Alessandro Russu and Enrico Vidili, met this morning on the construction site at the headquarters, in the Turritan industrial area, where the workers' assembly was held . A meeting in which the critical issues contained in the announcement of the special tender specifications were analysed, for the five-year assignment of the integrated urban waste management service.

The object of the comparison is the rectification of the employment contract currently applied "which does not guarantee the economic rights of workers". The provincial secretaries Fp Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uil Trasporti reiterated to the Municipality the need to confirm the guarantee of the application of the environmental hygiene contract. The Municipality of Porto Torres responded with a dry note declaring that the tender is in line with European rules but, according to the unions, "it does not guarantee the application of the sector contract, and therefore the protection of the rights of workers currently employed in the collection service.

"We will respond in writing to the municipal administration - say Paolo Dettori and Alessandro Russu - that, in the absence of a summons, the workers are ready to take to the streets to demonstrate against this decision which damages the rights and protections acquired up to now".

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