Many volunteers, friends of Gianmarco and Valentina Murgia in the first place, have been busy for days exploring the Gulf of Palmas .

Since, a week ago, the sea returned the bodies of Giba's pizza maker and his daughter, everyone is sure that only the boat can really give answers.

The official hypothesis is that the two drowned due to an accident , but only the condition of the boat can tell what kind of accident it is.

"We hope that the official searches do not stop - they say - and that they continue up to the coast of Cagliari, we remind you that Valentina's phone has lost its signal in the Teulada area, it is not certain that the boat, if it really sank, is still in the Gulf of Palmas ".

The appeal is that anyone who can contribute to the research.

All the details in the Unione Sarda on newsstands tomorrow and in the digital edition of the newspaper.

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