A prison police officer and an inspector from the Uta prison ended up in hospital with bruises and wounds.

Yet another episode of violence by an inmate who attacked them with a volley of punches. The policeman was accompanying him in the walking courtyards, and the inspector tried to intervene but was also hit.

Colleagues managed to contain the inmate who did not intend to stop.

The two injured were rescued and taken to hospital. The officer suffered a swollen eye, bruises and swelling on his face, the inspector a cut on his hand.

«We still have no news on the hospital prognosis of the two attacked but from the first summary information in our possession the bruises and injuries suffered were serious - comments Michele Cireddu, general secretary of the Uil Pa Penitentiary Police - Seeing a uniform stained with blood, the faces of the completely disfigured, swollen and bruised police officers represents the emblem of the shameful state in which officers are forced to work."

«The situation is unsustainable – says Cireddu – and has reached a point of no return».

«The policemen who work in the sections must be immediately equipped with tools, means and protections to avoid continuing to suffer attacks and serious physical damage and to do this we cannot wait for the Greek Kalends. Worrying scenes of violence are taking place, we must not wait for extreme tragedies to intervene, concludes Cireddu".


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