Bivouacs, vandalism and dangerous pastimes: the maritime station of Piazza Stintino in Porto Torres knows no peace, especially in the evening and at night.

The latest vandalism threatened to destroy the internal structure, where gangs of thugs threw an incendiary bottle in the facade and in the waiting room . Walls blackened by flames and damage inside the station, yet another gesture reported to the Italian railway network.

In the past few weeks, the problem of soiling of the walls with writing of all kinds had emerged; the situation continues to worsen from week to week and the station is increasingly becoming an off-limits area, a privileged place for gatherings of vandals and criminals.

"It is a situation that has been evolving exponentially for some weeks - says one of the residents - we have made several reports that refer to meetings and noises until late at night even in the adjacent square of Via Fontana Vecchia".

The inhabitants of the Monte Agellu district are often witnesses of uncontrolled actions by thugs who enjoy destroying the public good. "We ask Rfi to put a guardian for night surveillance - add the residents - or in any case to position the video surveillance cameras so that they act as a deterrent to a worrying phenomenon".

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