The national center of Teramo has confirmed the case of positivity to West Nile found in the last few days in a hooded crow in the countryside of Valledoria, in the Montisciu Mannu area.

This was announced by the Department of Veterinary Prevention of the ASL of Sassari, which has been coordinating monitoring and surveillance operations since the first suspects. The first disinfestation and removal of the larval outbreaks began. He also launched an awareness campaign because "it is essential - explains the ASL - that people who live or work in the provincial area concerned adopt individual protection measures and collaborate in the activities of removing the larval foci and in the larvicidal activity in the non-removable foci in the private areas.

Furthermore, the Department of Veterinary Prevention of the ASL, led by Francesaco Sgarangella, invites horse breeders to vaccinate their animals against West Nile: «We ask for the maximum collaboration of the breeders, vaccination is strongly recommended for preventive purposes and it is important that they are reported veterinary surgeons of any suspicious neurological symptoms in horses.'

The horse, it is specified, is a blind host like man, it does not transmit the disease to other animals. But it is necessary to get vaccinated for its protection, in order to have an adequate immune response in case of infection.


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