Support for the poor, families, elderly, sick and prisoners. Maintenance and renovation works of places of worship, catechesis and theological-pastoral training, services for young people and activities of diocesan offices.

Transparency operation of the church of Cagliari, which in a press conference this morning explained in detail the use of the funds received in 2023 from the 8 per thousand, which amount to over 2 million euros : 1,066,814 for worship and pastoral care , 1,015,191 for charity.

«This initiative - explained Archbishop Giuseppe Baturi – is part of a consolidated path of transparency. We want the faithful and all taxpayers to know how the Church allocates its funds . We don't try to benefit certain categories but to contribute to the spread of good for the entire community."

In detail: 357,511 euros for catechesis and theological-pastoral training; 799,691 euros for charity for the most needy; 79 thousand euros for the elderly and sick; 54 thousand euros for prisoners; 43,104 euros for missions; 104 thousand euros for young people; 441 thousand euros for families in conditions of economic fragility; 268,790 euros for parishes for religious and charitable building initiatives; 229,600 euros for the activities of the diocesan offices involved in pastoral care; 356,599 euros for construction and maintenance of systems relating to properties of the Diocese or other diocesan bodies, including those that will allow the reopening of the Diocesan Museum.

As for the projects financed directly by the CEI, the main interventions concern the restoration of three sculptures kept in the Diocesan Museum (12,962 euros), the installation of video surveillance systems to prevent acts of vandalism in the Basilica of Santa Croce in Cagliari and in the parish church of San Sebastiano Martire in Cagliari Elmas (in total 12,974 euros). Two further upcoming interventions have been announced, for which the municipalities involved also participate in the costs: the restoration of the dome of the parish church of NS delle Grazie in Sanluri, currently closed for safety reasons (250 thousand euros) and the renovation of the premises for the ministry pastoral of the parish of San Basilio, currently not usable because they are dilapidated (240,000 euros).

«The quantitative aspect which is duly taken into account is only an index of the good that mobilizes many volunteers, priests, people of good will in favor of others, so that the entire fabric of our society is more supportive. Also from this point of view , the use of 8 per thousand, which we want to talk about here through concrete examples, builds a better future by mobilizing the best energies of our society ", clarified Baturi.


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