Did he have the skills to operate in the hold of the Estraden ship? Was the team in charge of derailing the semi-trailer complete? Why was such an experienced person in that position?

What is certain is that Raffaele Massa should not have died crushed between two semi-trailers that were about to disembark. Not that damned Friday morning and not at work, on the pier of the canal port of Cagliari.

The deputy prosecutor Daniele Caria is analyzing the reports of the Police, Port Authority and Spresal to try to clarify the causes of the accident in which the Quartu dock worker was involved.

Grendi, the company on which Raffaele Massa depended, was tight-lipped, but not the unions who immediately after the tragic accident declared a 72-hour strike, announcing a demonstration for tomorrow morning under the headquarters of the Port Authority, in via Roma , to ask for more security so that these announced deaths never happen again.

The complete article by Andrea Artizzu on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands, on the app and in the digital edition

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