«The port of Cagliari does not demobilize».

This is said with conviction by the Sardinian farmers and breeders who continue to protest in front of the customs pier of the capital to protest against the community policies adopted and planned for the agricultural sector . Some of which are being discussed these days in Brussels.

Yesterday too, protesters slowed down the entry and exit of trucks from the pier, creating not only long queues in via Riva di Ponente, where the local police had to divert traffic towards the city centre, but also slight delays in boarding of the means, making some naval companies turn up their noses.

Late in the morning a delegation reached the Argea headquarters to get answers «on the future of our work», explains Roberto Congia , representative of the "Agricultural redemption" committee, which together with the Sardinian Shepherds Movement organized the demonstration. «Unfortunately nothing came out of this meeting other than their irresponsibility. They say they will start payments from February 15, but they are six months late and do not realize the inconvenience of the campaigns. We are faced with an unfortunate situation due above all to the wrong political choices of recent years."

The complete article by Francesca Melis on the Unione Sarda on newsstands, on the app and in the digital edition

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