The judicial liquidation of Tossilo spa, the company responsible for managing waste treatment, was averted. The judges of the Oristano court have in fact suspended the procedure aimed at liquidating the company.

During the hearing, which took place late this morning, it was decided to appoint an expert from the Chamber of Commerce who will support the lawyers in negotiations with suppliers, to reach the conclusion of the matter.

The judge (Alessandro Bonetti) then accepted the requests of the lawyers of Tossilo Spa, Brunello Acquas and Stefano Demuro, who opposed the liquidation, presenting a joint recovery plan. Tossilo Spa will be able to continue to operate in the entrepreneurial field and proceed with the start-up of the waste treatment plants for half of Sardinia, with the start-up in the coming months of the new waste-to-energy plant, built by the Region with a total investment of around 50 million EUR.

«Today a big step forward has been taken - says the mayor of Borore, Tore Ghisu - the decision of the Court of Oristano rewards the commitment of the Region and all the subjects, especially local ones, who have taken action to achieve this important result . A new phase therefore opens. We resume with the activity that will lead to the start-up of the plants in a short time, giving answers to the expectations of the workers and the territory for such an important service".

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