Three animated clips , starring as many characters, to be disseminated on social networks and in particular through TikTok , to talk about love, gender equality and happiness in one's body , regardless of what form it has. Three works created by professionals from the NAS laboratory, New Animation in Sardinia, of the Sardinia Film Commission Foundation, within an important communication project wanted by the Regional Commission for Equal Opportunities to combat hate speech, body shaming and gender gap . Recipients are boys and girls between 10 and 14 years of age.

“This campaign is the result of our commitment and synergy with the Sardegna Film Commission Foundation - explains the President of the Equal Opportunity Commission, Francesca Ruggiu - to educate boys and girls to a kind thought and language. Cyberbullying and body shaming are now one of the most alarming phenomena on the web . The first is amplified by the extensive use of online media by preteens and adolescents. In fact, the ease of accessing the network allows the cyberbully to commit acts of physical and psychological violence even anonymously, remotely, without perceiving the frustration and pain it causes in the victim. Just as body shaming, the practice of judging someone's body causing a state of shame in the victim, are phenomena that have evident negative effects on health , understood in the broadest sense of the term, and demonstrate how serious a health problem they have become. public".

"Yesterday, November 20, we celebrated the world day for the rights of children and adolescents - recalled the vice-president of the Commission, Barbara Congiu - Today we, with this institutional campaign at the service of citizens, want to reaffirm the right of boys and girls to be what they want , beyond the approved and homogenizing language of social networks. The Commission is engaged in concrete actions on the prevention front , such as this institutional campaign, which deliberately uses the tools used by very young men and women, but with an inclusive visual language, capable of conveying a positive message. An opportunity to reflect on hate speech and gender-based violence in all its forms, to teach respect, sensitivity and awareness . The hope is that this pilot project will continue and be the beginning of a fruitful collaboration with the Sardinia Film Commission Foundation”.

"As Sardegna Film Commission - said Nevina Satta , director of the Sardegna Film Commission Foundation - we hope for a constant, continuous and multi-platform use ".


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