The Undersecretary of Health, Andrea Costa, will be in Nuoro to visit the San Francesco hospital and other health facilities in the area. This was announced by Mara Lapia, member of the XII Committee on Social Affairs and Health of the Chamber. The right hand of Minister Roberto Speranza will carry out the inspection organized by the Sardinian deputy, who has become the spokesperson for the requests of patients and associations of the sick, on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 April.

In agreement with the undersecretary, the parliamentarian will carry out a first inspection at San Francesco in these days to provide the ministry with a dossier on the overall situation of the garrison.

Furthermore, on April 4, a meeting will take place with the leaders of the Nuorese ASL: the general manager Paolo Cannas and his closest collaborators, the health director Peppino Paffi and the administrative director Francesco Pittalis, who will accompany the undersecretary Costa and the deputy Lapia for the entire duration of the visit to Sardinia.

The following day there will be a stop at the Siniscola outpatient clinic: “I believe that the inspection visit by Undersecretary Costa in the oncology service of the Baronian structure - underlines Lapia - is of fundamental importance. Also on this occasion, as I did during the visit of the then undersecretary Bartolazzi, I will urge that the antiblastic infusion therapies interrupted for too long be reactivated with serious inconvenience for the cancer patients in the area ".

There will also be space for institutional meetings with the prefect of Nuoro, Luca Rotondi, and with the mayor, Andrea Soddu, and for discussions with patient associations and committees. Costa will meet the mayor on Monday at 10 in the Municipality and the prefect at 15.30, at the Prefecture headquarters. The confrontation on the Nuoro health emergencies is scheduled for 4.30 pm in the council chamber of the Municipality.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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