Over ten kilometers of watercourses under the municipal jurisdiction have been cleared of reeds and weeds in Alghero , in order to guarantee the regular outflow of rainwater and prevent dangerous flooding.

In these days the workers are at work on the rainwater containment channel called Sant'Efis , which connects the road to the Sanctuary of Valverde to the Rio Calabona. The interventions, launched in November, are coordinated by the Environment sector of the Municipality of Alghero and have involved various areas of the territory, including Rio Calvia, Rio Valverde, Rio Carrabuffas and Rio Calabona . In the meantime, the competent offices of the municipal sector have entrusted the multi-year planning for the control of the vegetation and the cleaning of the canals, which provides for the assignment of the interventions with a detailed seasonal timetable, for an amount of 25 thousand euros.

"The project in question, which follows the current one that is now about to expire - underlines the councilor Andrea Montis - will allow the maintenance of waterways to continue smoothly in the future with the aim of achieving, as a primary objective, the mitigation and prevention of risks with regard to flooding and flooding in the areas subject to intervention".

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