The mayor of Sedilo Salvatore Pes will go to trial for slander. The judge for the preliminary hearings of the Court of Oristano Federica Fulgheri sent him to trial in the late morning, the first hearing will be on February 2, 2023.
The mayor had sued the then commissioner of Oristano Giusy Stellino and the executive of the Police Pino Scrivo because they would have hindered the carrying out of religious ceremonies at the Ardia two years ago, when the race was blocked due to Covid. The judge, however, had filed his complaint and the mayor as accuser found himself in the role of accused. In fact, the complaint against him for slander had started.
Today in court the public prosecutor Armando Mammone reiterated the request for indictment, the defense with the lawyer Cristina Puddu urged the non-place to proceed but in the end the indictment arrived.

The mayor, present in the courtroom, welcomed the judge's decision "with a serene and calm heart, confident of being able to demonstrate in the trial the total absence of slanderous intent towards the accused officials", he said through his lawyer: "He reiterates that he has acted in the exclusive interest of the Sedilo community, as institutional representative in an extremely delicate circumstance, where as mayor, he was required to defend the identity, religious and cultural values, to protect the popular tradition of the Ardia and the manifestations of faith addressed to Santu Antine, venerated throughout Sardinia and in particular by the people of Sedile and pilgrims ”.

The mayor's only regret is "for the attitude of total closure, manifested at the time of the events by the officials Stellino and Scrivo, at a clarifying meeting requested by him, thus refusing a rapprochement between the institutional figures, always positive in a perspective of mutual respect ".

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