A 69-year-old man received a donation of the liver taken from Luciano Bernini, who died after being hit last December 20th in Bari Sardo . The organ was transplanted at the Brotzu hospital in Cagliari, where it was transported aboard the Areus helicopter immediately after the removal on the morning of 22 December.

In addition to the will of the family, the role played by the staff of Nostra Signora della Mercede who supported the surgical team arrived from Brotzu , directed by Fausto Zamboni, of the Liver Transplant Center of the capital, was also fundamental. «We are very happy with the positive outcome of the matter. Behind such an intervention - said Luigi Ferrai, medical director of Nostra Signora della Mercede in Lanusei - there is hard organizational work that involves the entire hospital and which can last for 13-14 hours. The clinical part saw a multidisciplinary team at the forefront which involved in particular the staff of the Anesthesia and Resuscitation department, directed by Francesco Loddo. Furthermore, the surgeon Gian Pietro Gusai had an active part in the liver harvesting. I really want to thank the entire family of the donor who, in such a difficult moment, demonstrated great sensitivity and availability ."

Francesco Loddo himself emphasizes the importance of donation: «A gesture of generosity and civility that has allowed another person to start living again» , he said, recalling that the simplest ways to donate are to sign up to Aido (also online with the Spid) or communicate it when renewing or issuing the electronic identity card.

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