In times of energy crisis there may be those who are more tempted than in past years, with these first winter colds, to look for wood on the island of Caprera - which is a National Park - to fuel fireplaces and stoves at home. "Without the appropriate authorization from the Park Authority, there is a risk of a fine for theft issued by the supervisory bodies", warns and recalls the environmental agency in via Giulio Cesare.

On the part of the National Park, there is concern about the presence of a disease which is particularly affecting the holm oaks , leading them to progressive drying and death, and efforts are being made to prevent or at least limit its spread. «We remind you that the holm oak is affected by a disease for which it cannot be touched in order not to spread the disease itself», warns the Park.

The Forestas Agency, with which an agreement has been stipulated for the forest cutting of pines and holm oaks of Caprera, «will burn it on site. All interested parties can therefore only take pine cut by the Forestas Agency, but only after having requested authorization from the Park Authority».

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