The confederal trade unions are also asking to stop the privatization of the Cagliari airport and the merger of the airports in Northern Sardinia, an operation that would deliver the three airports of the island into the hands of the F2i investment fund.

But the first step towards the monopoly of the Sardinian skies could already materialize today: the Council of the Chamber of Commerce of Cagliari and Oristano - owner of Sogaer - will meet to deliberate on the integration of the airports.

A hypothesis that received yet another halt yesterday, after those of the Region, Enac, Anac, Confcommercio and Confesercenti. Cgil, Cisl and Uil raise the barricades: "The right to mobility of Sardinian citizens, the efficient management of territorial continuity, the strategic nature of air transport and airport infrastructures are issues of fundamental importance for the economy and society of Sardinia and one cannot think of entrusting a decisive sector for the future to the logic of the market alone and to a destiny of pure and simple privatisation".

Michael Ruffi

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