The car catches fire while driving and the driver is forced to stop the journey to avoid the worst. Moments of fear this morning, around 9.30, on provincial road 25, in the Porto Torres area when , about 200 meters from the border with Sassari, a dated Land Rover was engulfed in flames as it headed into the urban centre . The fire affected the entire vehicle within a few minutes. Inside, the driver noticed the smoke and fire and managed to abandon the car.

The owner, originally from Porto Torres but resident in Sorso, was traveling along the road to go to a trusted mechanic with the intention of repairing the vehicle's fault, a diesel leak which triggered the flames.

The fuel would have overheated causing the fire which consumed the car in a few moments.

After saving himself, the man alerted 115 and the fire brigade teams from the Porto Torres detachment intervened promptly to put out the fire which had now reduced the entire car to ashes.

Luckily there were no consequences for the motorist.

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