The damage count, but not only. Fire management is the protagonist of the debate inside and outside the Regional Council of Sardinia. For refreshments, the councilor for the environment Marco Porcu underlines: «Let's see how they will be regulated by Rome. As for the Region, we will grant other resources for farms and real estate . The Municipalities are making the resolutions, then we will make an estimate of the damage ».

Meanwhile, the Pd group (first signatory Giuseppe Meloni) has presented an amendment to the associate of the Budget law in which it is asked to allocate 5.5 million as compensation to local entities, private individuals and productive activities affected by the fires of 6 August .

«The Government's response was immediate, with the making available of additional Canadairs – specifies Ugo Cappellacci , president of the Social Affairs Commission in the Chamber -. Immediately afterwards, the Council of Ministers approved a decree to increase the penalties for those who set fires, bringing them from 4 to 6 years in the case of willful misconduct and from 1 to 2 for cases of negligence, with new aggravating circumstances, such as that of acts to make a profit for himself or for others. The hope", concludes Cappellacci, "is that the great commitment of our foresters in the search for those responsible bears the hoped-for results and the criminals can be brought to justice ".

For Silvio Lai , deputy of the Democratic Party, "the devastating damage of the fires of these dramatic days are not yet fully calculable. We are also faced with several fires that started at the same time in many parts of the island, a fact that suggests the presence of a destructive direction and not coincidences. And then just by chance there were no victims 40 years after the last ones. The announced figures are absolutely inadequate», points out the exponent Dem: « 15 million for Sardinia and Sicily together have the flavor of a tip to silence and postpone as is happening for the flood in Romagna».

Lorenzo Piras

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