Exactly what it is, we don't know. Because "there is no list of the material used on site since 1959". That is, since shooting began on the Delta Peninsula, the "cursed" area of the Capo Teulada firing range. For decades it was defined as "untransferable", so much had it been used for exercises by the armed forces around the world.

The ships fired at us, the planes dropped their bombs and it was the scene of experimenting with missiles of all kinds. Now something is moving: after the analyzes on the surrounding waters, the Ministry of Defense has presented the papers to free the extreme south-western tip of Sardinia from the ordnance, exploded or not, with a clean-up operation on an area of 2 million and 914 thousand square meters. Almost all contaminated with war waste. The environmental impact assessment has been launched at the Regional Department for the Environment, which should lead to the long-awaited remediation, requested by parliamentary commissions and also by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Cagliari, which has opened an investigation into the pollution.

Before moving on to the description of the intervention, the technicians commissioned by the military write that the Teulada firing range "represents an important resource also for the local economy since, although no official statistical data are available, it is legitimate to assume that the Army Italian is among the main employers of the Sulcis-Iglesiente, not only in terms of salary of permanent personnel in the area and related activities for local economic operators, but also for what it has earned with tax revenues (Irpef and Irap in primarily)".

A paradox was also underlined: the area bombed for decades "falls within the Site of Community Interest (Sic) called "Isola Rossa and Capo Teulada", now a Special Conservation Area (Zsc).

The purpose of the intervention is not only "environmental". The Defense wants to «restore
the conditions of the "Delta" shooting range to allow normal transit in safety and future use of the same as a target area
for shots to land which will be delimited with eco-sustainable material and located within a site devoid of valuable tree essences". Hence, cleaning to resume shooting, but "with greater awareness" of the ecosystem.

It states on the card that all abandoned ordnance will be removed. And to find out what could be found, the papers refer only to an "average" of what was shot between 2009 and 2015. There is no certain information for the previous period. There should be remains of small arms and artillery shells, mortar and air bombs, rockets and Spike and Tow missiles.

With a previous cleaning operation, which took the name of "Pasubio", "a total area of the Delta peninsula equal to approximately 41,000 square meters was subjected to the removal of unexploded ordnance and the recovery of residues, in order to create safe corridors to reach the sampling stations". Exceeding of risk levels due to the presence of arsenic and lead were found in thirteen sampling points. "The areas subject to exceeding the CSC", reads the papers, "will be subjected to environmental characterization in order to verify the real nature of the aforementioned environmental non-compliances". However, the presence of radioactive emissions is excluded.

Times? Long. Beyond the approval process, a year of work is expected for the intervention on the first area and two for the subsequent ones. but first you need to have the authorizations and call for tenders.

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