In the war for control of the Sardinian skies , "the right to fly and to have territorial continuity is under attack, and the facts prove it" warns the regional transport councilor Antonio Moro. The latest move by Aeroitalia , which will fly without compensation on the Olbia-Rome route - in response to Volotea - and announces appeals to the Tar to suspend the tender, risks blocking the most important part of air connections in Sardinia . This is why Moro calls for unity: «Since my first day in office, on the one hand I have asked the various groupings to keep air territorial continuity out of the political conflict and I have appealed to all Sardinians to defend the right to be able to have discounted flights and the frequencies and tariffs established by the current tender".

Now new moves by the companies are expected . Volotea in recent days has made it clear that it may also be interested in other routes without compensation. And the games for the Cagliari connections, temporarily entrusted to Ita Airways, could reopen.

AeroItalia then reported Volotea's contradictory position to Enac: in September it announced its intention to give up the free management of territorial continuity due to the high fuel price, while now it promises to take care of the Olbia-Rome route for a year without compensation.

Next week will also be the decisive one for learning about the future of Alghero airport, which for now has no offers for continuity management . The companies will be invited by the Region to present a proposal.

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