He had the strength of a giant, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to win his great battle for life. From today there is one more little angel in the sky: Elisa Pia Carboni, just ten years old, from Terralba, passed away at the Microcitemico hospital in Cagliari.

For years the little girl had been telling everyone that she had two small balls on her head which would soon disappear completely, but the epilogue was different. That carefreeness that all children deserve has never returned to her. Elisa had been living with a subtle enemy called medulloblastoma for some time. The disease had affected her in the cerebellum area and, right from the start, she began cycles of treatments and checks, always supported by her parents. Thanks to a fundraiser promoted some time ago by the little girl's uncle, for specific treatments, Elisa was able to eradicate her worst enemy.

Elisa was better after a long and tiring journey. He had started living an almost normal life again. But then the disease returned despite two surgeries. In the last few hours, the doctors at Microcitemico had increased her doses of painkillers, hoping until the end for an improvement. Which unfortunately didn't happen. In Terralba, the town where the little girl lived, several summer events were cancelled.

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