Other than eels. Inside the bertovelli, a kind of cone made from several nets, this year we only end up with sea nuts .

This is the new nightmare for the fishermen of Marceddì. In the Corru S'Ittiri pond there is an unprecedented invasion of this transparent gelatinous mollusk. The sea nut has a negative impact on the fish industry: it enters the equipment instead of fish. Better translated: fishermen fail to catch eels, and thus sell them to wholesalers.

“This is a huge damage - explains the president of the Consortium Antonio Loi - The sea nut is hindering the operation of the tools that are vital for us. Being gelatinous, they stick to nets with the consequent impossibility of capturing fish species of commercial interest ".

But not only: "Because of the sea nut - President Loi continues - even the equipment that costs a lot of money is damaged". The fishermen also say that every year several technicians of the Region carry out various inspections to better understand the phenomenon: “But then they disappear - accuses the president - Yet there will be a way to eliminate this mollusk. Perhaps specialized means could be used. At this point we ask the Region to come and see what is happening in our home. To then intervene as soon as possible ".

THE VIDEO (by Alessandra Chergia):

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