The Angelo Roth institute of higher education , in Alghero , continues to invest in the work training of its students .

Thanks to the school announcement from the Banco di Sardegna Foundation, the collaboration with TeenHub, the association that promotes training projects involving young people and their transition from the world of school to that of work, has been renewed , and the project will start on Thursday 22 February " TechRoth: programming language and industry 4.0”.
The project, based on digital education and programming, will bring 4th B students into the world of technology 4.0 and computer programming.
Students will learn to write code, necessary to make the software that drives industrial vacuum cleaners work, to read the statistical-mathematical data that derive from its operation, to make the machinery communicate within a 4.0 company.
Two partner companies of the project will host boys and girls from 4th B : Nobento and Ivision. The "TechRoth: programming language and industry 4.0" project will be presented in the main hall of the IIS Roth in via Diez on Thursday 22 February at 11am in the presence of the class interested in the project.

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