Students in a state of agitation at the historic scientific high school "Alberti" in Cagliari Many students did not enter the school and organized a sit-in in front of the complex in via Ravenna, then the occupation started.
In a note, the boys explain that they have started the protest not only for the problem of overcrowding, but also for the hygienic conditions of the premises.

"Pitiful - they explain in a note -: the courtyard in Viale Colombo is invaded by rats, both dead and alive". "The entire headquarters - they continue - is collapsing and no one moves to make things change. The viale Colombo complex has no gym. Every year we spend a very high number of resources for the rent of the Aquila fields. , which are unsuitable and in disrepair. The headquarters in via Ravenna has the internal gymnasium destroyed due to neglect in the Covid period. The school is suppressing or supplanting all the special classrooms ".

"For the past 2 weeks we have been forced to carry out only 3 lessons a day lasting 50 minutes because there is no way to have all classes attended in person as in other schools without eliminating the last special classrooms", add the students again. “The school has planned to extend this schedule for another week. By doing a calculation we realize that we have lost a total of 30 hours of lessons, the equivalent of a whole week of school ".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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