Six days have passed since the disappearance of Karol Canu, 17 years old, and Giuseppe Contini, 15 years old, the hypothesis of the girl playing becomes less and less probable and the families are experiencing hours of profound anguish.

This morning Giulia, Karol's mother, and his older sister Chiara launched new appeals to the boy and other peers who might know something. The hypothesis that is gaining ground, even among investigators, is that the two teenagers ended up entangled in something bigger than themselves and that they are hiding out of fear . But with each passing hour the situation becomes more worrying, also because Karol needs to take drugs.

«Whatever happened – reiterated Giulia Canu in an appeal to her son – will be resolved. The important thing is that you come home." An invitation also launched by her sister Chiara Baroni who addressed the children directly: «Whoever knows something, even anonymously, contact us».

On the research front, in addition to the investigative work of the police and the Carabinieri, many volunteers are involved. Among these is the Blu Angels association which is patrolling the entire territory. President Caterina Zucconi also launched an appeal . Several houses in the hinterland countryside and in some villages frequented by the children have been checked so far without any results.

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