Delivery this morning in Cagliari , on the occasion of Labor Day , of the Stars of Merit for Work awarded by the President of the Republic.

The ceremony began with institutional greetings from the prefect Giuseppe De Matteis and the president of the Region, Alessandra Todde. Also present was the president of the regional council Piero Comandini

The honor is intended to reward workers who during their career have distinguished themselves for particular merits of expertise and industriousness and was awarded to 25 new Masters of Work from all over the island.

These are the winners: Orazio Pietro Campo and Maria Cecilia Caria , both retired employees of Special Car spa of Oristano and Special Car spa of Elmas respectively; Giovanni Chessa , retired employee of the Cassa Edile del Nord Sardegna - Sassari; Annalisa Colombu , employee of Enel Grids srl - Cagliari; Angelo Desole , retired employee of the Cassa Edile del Nord Sardegna - Sassari; Monica Fiori , employee of the Claudia company in Militello Claudia - Oristano; Anna Guido , employee of Poste Italiane spa - Nuoro; Valentina Lai , classified as a manager of E-distribuzione spa - Cagliari; Franca Loche , classified as a manager of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro spa BNP Paribas Group - Cagliari; Giuseppe Marini , employee ex op. of Enel Produzione spa - Portoscuso; Maria Antonietta Mazoni , classified as a manager of Banco di Sardegna spa - Tonara; Gianluca Murgioni , employee ex op. of Eso srl - Sarroch; Giuseppe Murroni and Elisa Nonne , respectively worker and employee of Nuova Special Car spa in Elmas; Pierpaolo Olla , worker of the Vacca Nicola company of Vacca Nicola and Gianmauro srl Gruppo Special Car - Elmas; Giovanni Perra , classified as a manager of Poste Italiane spa - Cabras; Luciana Alessandra Picci , employee of Interservice srl - Cagliari; Bruno Pirone and Vanda Ruggiu , both classified as managers respectively of Banco di Sardegna spa - Sassari and Banco di Sardegna spa - Bosa; Antonio Salaris , appointed as a member of the Malesci Istituto Farmacobiologico spa - Sardinia Region; Eugenio Sangiovanni , Director of A. Menarini Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite srl - Regions of Sardinia, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piedmont; Giuseppe Scura , Director of Confcommercio South Sardinia - Cagliari; Marco Antonio Serra , employee of Enel Produzione spa - Assemini; Giovanni Battista Sini , employee of Fiume Santo spa - Fiume Santo; Ferdinando Vacca , classified as a painting ex op. think. of the Special Car Group spa - Elmas.


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