First case of monkeypox in the Oristano area, fifth in Sardinia.

The Aou of Cagliari diagnosed him. The infected person is currently in home isolation and in good health .

Monkeypox (Monkeypox) is a viral zoonosis that can spread from animals to humans, but also between people. Transmission occurs through close physical contact - including sexual activity - with an infected person, their fluids or skin lesions. It also spreads from contaminated items such as clothing, sheets, towels, cutlery, surfaces or electronic devices.

"The disease - specifies the director of the Hygiene and Public Health Service of the ASL of Oristano Maria Valentina Marras - runs in most cases in a benign way , without particular complications, with a recovery that occurs 2-3 weeks after the start of symptoms, supported by adequate therapy ".

Symptoms are similar to those of the flu: fever, drowsiness, body aches and headaches. A rash usually develops as well, one to three days after the fever begins but in some cases even before it. Lesions that appear as papules that evolve into pustules and crusts, can affect various parts of the body, including the face.

Dr. Marras wants to "reassure" people about the disease, which " in the vast majority of cases evolves with a complete recovery ", and remembers that those who have been vaccinated in the past for smallpox are also protected by Monkeypox . Just recently, however, a 50-year-old Italian carabiniere died in Cuba of the virus.

Mass vaccination is not currently foreseen, due to the low transmission rate of the virus and the limited availability of doses. The vaccine is currently recommended for laboratory personnel with possible direct exposure, and for gay, transgender, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men , with a recent history with multiple sexual partners.

(Unioneonline / L)

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