Sixth appointment with " Mountain Encounters " set for Friday 24 March, at 6 pm, in the Sinnai Municipal Library.

The thematic review that combines sport, nature and environmental protection, conceived and curated by Marco Mura (runner hiker) and Amos Cardia (Sardinia Biking) this time will have as protagonist Rossano Loi from Villacidro with his story of the Mining Path of Santa Barbara, tackled solo and concluded in eight days and his running experiences on the paths of Sardinia and beyond the borders of the island.

During the evening, space will also be given to his lived experience on the Camino de Santiago . A late arrival in the world of running, Loi has totaled twenty-nine marathons , as well as demanding trail running competitions abroad. These will be the ingredients of an evening dedicated to slow and sporting tourism.

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