He didn't expect the woman he kept segregated inside a country house in Macomer to report him. Those would be the few words uttered this morning, during the validation hearing, by Toreddu Deriu , arrested by the police on March 8, accused of having kept his partner segregated and harassed in the country house for a long time.

The judges also rejected the request for house arrest , for work needs, advanced by the lawyer Katy Culeddu Dore, because the conditions are not met and because the investigations are still ongoing. The man will therefore remain locked up in Massama prison until the end of the investigation. Afterwards, the conditions to be able to proceed for a possible release will be evaluated.

Meanwhile, the woman victim of the violence , assisted by the Macomerese lawyer Luciano Rubattu, is safe in a protected family home , where she tries to forget, with the help of the psychologist, the terrible experience lived in that house-prison, in the countryside of Macomer, within a farm and horse stable. The story shook the whole territory.



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