Massive participation also in Sardinia in the national school strike. In many institutions gates closed this morning for the accession of school collaborators. While for the students who entered the class, lessons in fits and starts and "hole hours" due to the participation of many teachers and professors in the mobilization.

Despite the rain, about two hundred people present with trumpets, banners and signs at the regional demonstration in Piazza dei Centomila in Cagliari.

"You can't go to school at no cost - Giuseppe Corrias, from UIL, said on the microphone - enough with the cuts. And for teachers, the increases must not be alms: they deserve at least two hundred euros more a month".

Coaches and presences from all over the island. "We woke up before dawn - explains a teacher from Nuoro - and despite the bad weather we are here because it is too important to make our voices heard". And down cheers.

The national strike was called by Flc Cgil, Uil Scuola, Snals and Gilda.

The reasons for the protest, which anticipates and is part of the mobilization that led to the proclamation, by CGIL and UIL, of the general strike of 16 December, are linked to the insufficiency of resources allocated to schools in the Budget law.

"Only 0.6% of the resources - explain the trade unions - is allocated to the recognition of the professionalism of teachers according to a reward logic that essentially excludes almost all teachers. Furthermore, the contractual increase is foreseen for only 87 euros. no resources are foreseen for the increase of the workforce, just as there are none for the extension of the Ata workforce linked to the Covid emergency ".

Among the demands of the trade unions, reserved paths for the stabilization of precarious workers with three years of service, three-digit salary increase, abolition of restrictions on staff transfers, reduction in the number of pupils per class, competitions for DSGA (director of general services and administrative), streamlining of procedures.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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