Lessons in the institutes resumed in Cagliari and in the wider area, which for a week were the protagonists of protests and occupations.

The students raised problems concerning the whole school world, such as transport, socialization after lockdown, Dad, school-work alternation, then each school instead pointed out specific needs.

The Michelangelo high school, for example, also protested about drinking water.

"Today - the Euclid children explain - lessons resume regularly, the whole school community returns to its usual activities, but in one way or another each of us has grown. We have been busy because this school does not hear us, he does not see us and does not listen to us and above all he forgets his main function: that of creating a community of relationships, exchanges and educational growth ".

"After two years of restrictions, distance learning (Dad), integrated digital education (Ddi) and online assemblies - the students conclude - the occupation represented a historic moment for the school community that has finally found the strength and hope of rebuilding the school from below ".

(Unioneonline / ss)

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