Thanks to a loan from its own funds, the Province of Sassari has installed signposts on the Nurra roads most frequented by cyclists which recommend prudence and attention precisely to those who ride a bike .

The initiative is aimed at protecting safety , not only for those who use "soft mobility", but also for those who, with their own vehicle, are preparing to travel the roadway and overtake. There is no signage legislated by the highway code in terms of cycling, but it is necessary to promote the culture of safety and respect for those who travel regardless of the vehicle they use.

The cycle safety project started from the Nurra with the aim of extending to all provincial roads with heavy traffic of amateur cyclists and in areas such as the Nurra, which are crowded with cyclists in the spring and summer. So pay attention to the vertical signs which advise you to be careful: in the Alghero area, on the provincial road to Capo Caccia, on the road to Argentiera and Baratz, up to Stintino .

Unfortunately, the crosses on the roads indicate that we are still far from safety: in Italy an average of 217 people die each year from bicycle accidents , more than one every two days, according to data collected by the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT). The so-called soft mobility also in 2021 in the Italian territory had its price in terms of victims: according to the data processed by Aci and Istat, 15,771 accidents with bicycles were recorded, with a balance of 207 deaths. To these were added 16,180 accidents which caused 471 deaths among pedestrians.

And unfortunately, among the territories that have recorded the greatest growth in terms of road victims compared to 2019 is Sardinia, Oristano, with a dramatic +140% .

«It is important to point out with these interventions, that caution is never too much in the streets with a high tourist vocation - underlines the road manager Giovanni Milia -. There is still no cycle path system for slow mobility and it is important that they are respected. only the speed limits indicated on the road for those traveling by car, but that attention should be paid to cyclists who must prudently travel the roadway on the outside".

«We believe that any action that can be useful for the purpose of guaranteeing road safety must be followed - remarked the administrator of the Province Pietro Fois -. Unfortunately, we have insufficient infrastructure and connections to guarantee easy and safe traffic, for this reason it is necessary to remember maximum attention and prudence especially in periods of maximum turnout such as the one we are going through ».

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