End of the garden of angels, the green area in via Rockefeller in Sassari dedicated to the children who died early. The parents themselves declared this last night, after the request to adopt the spaces, presented to the Municipality at the end of December 2023 with the new association, received a response from the relevant sector which upset the proponents. Dissent expressed in a letter to the mayor of the Turritan capital Nanni Campus which cites the requests for interventions, judged "not within our competence and among other things expensive".

In fact, the sector conditions the adoption on the completion of certain steps in the area, to be carried out within 10 days, including the removal of the labels on the approximately 19 trees present, each in memory of a missing son or daughter, the elimination of the ramps access and stone cordons that now delimit the hedges.

The mothers and fathers write to the mayor complaining that the plates are non-existent, there is only one access ramp, which was also built by the Municipality's own workers and, finally, the bricks, now arranged in order, were lying until the arrival of the garden piled up to make up a sort of landfill. Among other things, it should be noted that the access ramp is useful for allowing people in wheelchairs to enter.

The parents, who planted the trees and made an abandoned space usable, wonder if what was requested is not a form of blackmail. In the meantime they are asking for the help of the population so that they can find another area in which to relocate the garden of angels, with the memories of children who unfortunately died prematurely. "We have many requests - they say - from parents like us who want to find a common place where they can remember their children".

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