The Durc is unlocked and the GeNa of Sassari breathes a sigh of relief. The court puts the green stamp on the Single Document of Contribution Regularity, allowing the Opera Gesù Nazareno, a treatment center for people with psycho-physical disabilities, to be able to collect the credits, which would amount to around 700 thousand euros, and thus pay, among the various items, in particular the salaries of 100 workers, not received for three months.

The Cgil-Cisl-Uil FP unions, represented respectively by Antonio Riu, Antonio Monni and Augusto Ogana, announced this this afternoon at the structure's headquarters. «This is a first step - declares Monni - now we are waiting for the industrial plan to be presented». Contemplated by the request for a preventive composition requested in recent months by GeNa to avoid foreclosures and injunctions and proceed with the recovery.

«Whoever is in charge of certifying the plan - reports Ogana - asked for a two-month extension before presenting it to the judge. Too many in our opinion." A plan based above all on the occupation of 15 places for patients and the upward revision of tariffs. In the meantime, this partial victory is welcomed but without losing sight of the objective. «We had thought, before the unblocking - says Riu - of starting the conflict cooling procedure. Now we will work to get answers from the Region too." Hopefully they will arrive soon.

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