Arst employees strike proclaimed in Sassari by Faisa Cisal. Saturday 18th January they will cross their arms for 4 hours - from 18:30 to 22:30 - and buses, metro, arst trains will stop .

The protest was born , the trade association communicates, for the non-granting of accumulated holidays , a lack that the Arst workers of Sassari, Alghero, Ozieri and all the other peripheral warehouses can no longer accept. "We respected - says the Provincial General Secretary of Faisa Cisal of Sassari Pietro Piredda - the technical times that the company had asked us to study a strategy and find an effective solution to this problem. but it was of no use".

The union reports the discontent, now at unmanageable levels, among the employees of Arst in Sassari , a consequence of both the pace of work and the responsibilities to which workers are subjected every day. They would therefore like holidays to compensate for the stress.

«Unfortunately - continues Piredda - the problems are different, in addition to not being granted holidays, workers only find out about the outcome of their holiday request the day before , very often, with less than 24 hours' notice, and this is no longer acceptable, especially considering the jurisdictional guidelines which require a notice of no less than 3 days from the date in question».

A modus operandi that for Faisa Cisal influences the attention on the means and prevents workers from reconciling life/work, "a situation even more serious - it is stigmatized in the press release - if in one's free time one decides to schedule medical visits or other, given that for the Ccnl autoferrotranvieri there are no dedicated permits". "The time has come - concludes the secretary - to give the right importance to the Arst workers, who, "move the company throughout the territory" every day with great professionalism and responsibility, evidently, underestimated".

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