In Sassari a project to engage over 300 beneficiaries of Citizenship Income in the activities of local associations .

"Thanks to specific funds obtained from the municipal administration - explains a note from the town hall -, professional figures specifically dedicated to Projects Useful to the Community (PUC) have carried out awareness-raising work in the area to increase the membership of associations in which to insert new beneficiaries RdC and at the same time, monitor the projects of each individual participant "

“The people already involved in public utility services - continues the administration - are currently 74 and another 70 are in the matching phase and about to start activities. From October projects will start for another 144 people and so on until the inclusion of all the people present in the current lists headed by the Social Services ".

THE ASSOCIATIONS - The nine initially adhering realities (Croce Sarda, Coopas, La Gaia Scienza, La Sorgente, Il Rifugio Gesù Bambino, UIC Unione italiana blind, Croce Azzurra, New Life OVD) which allowed the insertion of 20 Rdc beneficiaries, if others have been added for a total of twenty-six (Dueffe Soccorso, Auser, Alzheimer association, Anteas, Vosma, Aism, Incontrocorrente, Poverelle Sisters of Bergamo, Pass.Soccorso, Bobò Scianel, Piccoli Passi, Officine Condivise, Sandalia Soccorso, have also joined Blue Cross, ASDPGS Gioins, San Domenica di Caniga, Blue Cross, UISP Italian Union of Sport for All).

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