A year and a half in prison for having persecuted two women with insults, threats and going so far as to use voodoo dolls, because she was convinced they wanted to take her husband away.

Savina Carpinteri, 62 years old from Sarroch, was sentenced yesterday morning by the judge, Gianluigi Dettori, at the end of the hearing which also saw the alleged victims of stalking, aged 39 and 41, both from Villa Saint Peter.

"I felt threatened - the youngest girl had told the judge - because I received these three voodoo dolls, one of which had no legs, another with thirty pins stuck in it and all of them had my initials on them ".

The defendant would also have thrown condoms into the garden of one of the two women with a napkin containing another offensive writing.

Savina Carpinteri, defended by the lawyer Alessandro Cois, has always professed to be completely extraneous to the disputed facts.

Francesco Pinna

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