The “ White Paper on the infrastructural priorities of Sardinia ” presented at the Chamber of Commerce of Sassari . “A dynamic and fluid document”, as defined by Antonello Fontanili , director of Uniontrasporti and moderator of the meeting, which collects the island's infrastructural needs, including digital ones, highlighted by the dialogue with the Sardinian economic world.

Today is the tenth stage of the 19 scheduled of a roadshow that crosses the territories that have joined the Infrastructure program promoted by Unioncamere through the Equalization Fund 2019-2020. Many critical issues emerged from the book: "Out of 244 European regions - said Stefano Visconti, president of the chamber of Sassari - Sardinia is in 177th place in terms of infrastructure". On the balance the resources, between Next generation Eu and Pnrr, to overcome the backwardness there are "but too much bureaucracy - so in a video link the vice president of the Region Alessandra Zedda - harnesses us".

" The priorities that we have identified - underlined Fontanili - are those of the access gates, airports and ports, to allow the access of tourists and goods ". The other macro objective is to have “high-performance roads and a railway system that can be attractive ”. Precisely on the latter side, Iolanda Conte, project manager of Uniontrasport, illustrated a pre-feasibility study of an efficient railway network.

Present at the discussion table, together with the mayor of Sassari Nanni Campus , the rector of the Turrian University Gavino Mariotti and the many stakeholders of the island's productive and economic world, also the regional councilor for public works Aldo Salaris . "The Solinas junta - said the latter - is setting that machine in motion to create a system of modern infrastructures in Sardinia projected for a vision of the next 50 years".

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