There are 12 fires registered today in Sardinia and for two of these the Forestry Corps uses not only the ground crews, but also the air vehicles of the regional system.

The emergencies were in Decimoputzu , in the locality of Causa Pia, where the men of the Uta Forestry Corps intervened, together with the helicopter personnel coming from the helicopter base of the CFVA of Marganai. The Forestas Agency teams from the Santa Lucia di Monastir construction site, the Cagliari Fire Brigade team and the volunteers from Siliqua, Monastir and Villacidro worked.

The stake covered an area of about 8 hectares of pastures and uncultivated fields. The extinguishing operations ended at 2.20pm.

Flames also in Donori , in the Melas area, with shutdown coordinated by the staff of the Dolianova Forestry Corps Station, with the helicopter personnel coming from the helicopter base of the CFVA of Villasalto.

The fire brigade of Cagliari and the volunteers of the SAF of Sant'Andrea Frius intervened at the stake.

The fire covered an area of about 2 hectares of arable and uncultivated land. The extinguishing operations ended at 2.10 pm.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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