There are "suitable areas", "unsuitable areas" and, finally, "restricted and prohibited areas". The difference is substantial: misleading meanings for the first two, clearer and more codifiable definitions for the latter. The game of Sardinia's future, that of the landscape, of respect for its thousand-year history, of its environment, is all played here. Speculators and hardened wind and sun fixers are betting everything on the first group, that of "suitable areas". In this case the obstacles to devastating nature and agricultural areas, promontories and mountain peaks, are looser, almost non-existent, where the authorization times are fast and wide highways.

Trojan Horse

Their identification is the first major "Trojan horse" where powerful lobbies and political palaces are concentrating to more quickly plan the "sack" of the island. In the draft decree prepared by the Meloni Government, awaiting the green light from the Conference of Regional Presidents, it is said that the regional administrations have the task of identifying " suitable areas ". Immediately afterwards, however, in article eight of that text, they write: " at least the following types of surfaces and areas are considered "suitable" .

State impositions

In practice, the executive has already identified, and necessarily included, using the formulation " at least they are suitable ", those areas whose use would constitute a real ambush on the island. In the first case, the areas already exploited for wind and photovoltaic are included: in practice in those sites modifications , even substantial ones, are authorized for renovation, strengthening or complete reconstruction, possibly combined with storage systems that do not lead to an increase in the occupied area above to 20% ". All with an addendum : these limits do not apply to photovoltaics whose diffusion can be unlimited, except for some indications on distances from industrial areas.

The traps for the Island

In the second case, to be included "obligatorily" among the "suitable" ones, there would be " the areas of the sites subject to remediation ". In this case, Sardinia, with its 451 thousand hectares of areas included among those polluted and to be reclaimed, risks being "invaded", giving an unprecedented gift to serial polluters: not only would they not carry out the remediation, but they would even be authorized to " cover” those areas with polluting photovoltaic panels or wind turbines in exchange for copious state incentives. The third group of areas to be declared "suitable", according to the text officially submitted to the State-Regions Conference, is that relating to " quarries and mines that have ceased, not been recovered or abandoned or are in conditions of environmental degradation or the portions of quarries and mines not susceptible to further exploitation ".

Written for Sardinia

Also in this case the law seems to have been written entirely with a view to the attack on Sardinia. After all, as history books and satellite images know, the island has always been the most plundered island also in terms of mining, with mining concession areas among the largest in the national territory. Ignoring issues such as the environmental, archaeological and landscape redevelopment of degraded "mining areas", the Government plans to use those areas to keep the degradation standing by "covering" them with panels and wind turbines. It's a shame, however, that much of that environmental devastation, complete with mineral exploitation, was perpetrated by the State of Rome itself. In this case "number seven", of the areas to be considered "suitable", the archaeological "lot" of the island is contemplated. In practice it is stated: the " buffer zone is determined by considering a distance from the perimeter of the assets subject to protection by the Urbani Code equal to 3 kilometers for wind power plants and 500 meters for photovoltaic plants ".

“Unicum” violated

Text written by apparent desk archaeologists, incapable of evaluating the "unicum" of the territory, the altitudes and horizons of the "Nuragic landscape" of Sardinia, all elements that certainly cannot be measured in kilometers or metres. Finally, between the areas which would be automatically included among the "suitable" ones would be "military state property or in any capacity used by the Ministry of Defence" . The transition is eloquent: from military easements to energy easements.

“Forgetful” of Rome

In the Palaces of Rome, however, they are "hardened forgetful ones! state function, pass into the full ownership of the Region. In short, from the military areas to those involved in land reclamation, from the mining to the agricultural ones, the Government's decree would be a real frontal attack on the Island with the Draghi decree on "unsuitable areas": " areas not included among suitable areas cannot be declared unsuitable for the installation of renewable energy production plants ".

The fitness game

In other words, not much changes between areas declared "suitable" and those to be declared "unsuitable": environmental and landscape devastation will be possible in all of them. Project approval times change, but the result does not change. It is for this reason that the thema decidendum is not the "suitability" or otherwise of the areas, but rather the prohibitions and constraints that must be codified, made insurmountable and not modifiable by empirical, subjective and opportunistic evaluations. In this sense there is an official "Map" of the Sardinian Region that many pretend to ignore or not know, the one relating to all the constraints and prohibitions that make the wind and photovoltaic defacement of the Island impossible.

Interactive map of prohibitions

It is an interactive map, available on the «Sardegna Mappe» website, which has already formed the pillar of a decisive ruling at the Sardinia Regional Administrative Court relating to a wind farm planned in Florinas. In that case, with a final judgment, the administrative judges had recognized the full legitimacy of that map which "forbids" 98.8% of the Sardinian territory. An eloquent fact that emerged from the overlapping of constraints and prohibitions, already a central body of laws. Constraints, if anything, to be translated into a regional "urban planning" reorganization rule for the "government of the territory", based on the statutory and constitutional competence attributed to the Sardinian Region. The Government decree on "suitable areas" would therefore be a real "sack" for Sardinia, a plan to be stopped with effective and immediate regional regulations, to be implemented without further waste of time. The autonomist powers of the Sardinian Region, for now, in fact, are still inviolable.


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