Santu Lussurgiu overwhelmed by a disaster a few days before Christmas. A 16-year-old student decided last Monday to give up her dreams forever.

A gesture that left his peers and an entire community dismayed. There are many open questions, the young woman had been followed by a psychologist for some time and had been the victim of bullying in the past.

The girl apparently sent a letter to her current classmates (with whom she had managed to establish a good relationship) and today the high school where she studied stops to reflect on such a violent fact.

Meanwhile, the Oristano Prosecutor's Office has opened an investigation , there are various aspects to clarify, the body is currently under seizure and the date of the funeral has not yet been set. The Municipality of Santu Lussurgiu, as a sign of mourning, has decided to keep the lights off and to cancel the Christmas events in respect of the family's pain.

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