"Yesterday, late in the afternoon, the Port Authority of La Maddalena reported the presence of a large cetacean beached near the Culuccia area (Santa Teresa Gallura)." The news was given, late this morning, on its social page by the Marine Protected Area of Capo Testa-Punta Falcone which, since the early hours of this morning, has been mobilized, with its director, Yuri Donno, in the preliminary operations and verification of the situation and conditions of the cetacean, unfortunately found lifeless.

"This morning, having informed the competent authorities - the AMP continues in the press release - we carried out an inspection and found that it is a specimen of fin whale . From the first surveys it emerged that it is a female specimen of a length of about 12 meters . The good condition of the carcass will allow in the next few hours to perform the necropsy to understand the causes of death. The carcass will be taken to the port of Santa Teresa Gallura, where the experts of the University of Padua will perform the autopsy in a place identified by the competent authorities".

Experts expected tomorrow morning who, in addition to defining the age, will also understand what were the reasons that led to the whale's death, why this specimen came to die right along the coast of the Coluccia peninsula.

The management of the Marine Protected Area hypothesizes the possibility of subsequently placing the whale's skeleton in the museum currently being built .

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