Drama yesterday morning at the Cto hospital for the death of a child from Sant'Antioco who arrived in Pediatrics due to a serious illness. The resuscitation attempt went on to the bitter end, lasting for over an hour, but for Giovanni Luigi Sciascia, a 12-year-old from Sant'Antioco there was nothing they could do.

In the hospital

The tragedy that shocked a young family of Sant'Antioco took place from mid-morning. The child, taken ill, was accompanied by his mother to the Cto d'Iglesias. Arrived at the hospital still conscious, he would have settled on a chair in the pediatric ward with his own strength shortly before falling into a state of shock and falling victim to a circulatory cardio arrest. The desperate and prolonged attempt to revive him was useless.

The nightmare,

An autopsy was arranged to establish the reasons that would have led to an unexpected tragedy.

The news reached the village in the evening, leaving everyone breathless. "A nightmare - says an uncle of the boy -, Giovanni was strong, he never suffered from pathologies and we are unable to explain what could have happened".

Adrian Secci

(Stefano Garau collaborated)

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