Not only fish and flamingos, but also minerals. This is what the pond of Sal'e Porcus offers, between the territory of San Vero Milis and that of Riola Sardo. This is where the first edition of the International Remote Sensing Summer School ended two days ago   organized by the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences of the University of Cagliari and the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology.

For 5 days, 25 students from all over the world examined the site which has long been the focus of attention of the Italian Space Agency. «It is a unique area: it dries up completely throughout the summer - explains the professor and project coordinator Maria Teresa Melis - This is because it is not fed by any river. This peculiarity allows you to carry out studies even in the distance».

The study days began with field surveys with direct and drone-mounted sensors. The students were able to watch the flights of the new data acquisition systems with instruments capable of carrying large sensors for the spectral, geological and topographical characterization of the pond surface. As the experts say, the first results of the activities carried out confirm the site's potential in the spatial sphere and suggest the need to deepen knowledge on the recent geological history of this particular internal basin: "For example, the presence of minerals has been identified - concludes Maria Teresa Melis - The site will be the subject of important studies".

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