Faith and tradition in San Gavino for the feast of Santa Chiara , the patron saint of the town which sees the return of many emigrants from Sangavino.

The religious program includes the celebration of mass on 11 August at 6.30pm. The 12th will be the big day of the festival with masses at 8.30 and 18 while at 19 there will be the procession in honor of the saint of Assisi which from via Trento will cross various streets of the town until returning to the church of the same name.

The religious procession will be accompanied by the town's musical band directed by the teacher Alessandra Cadeddu, by the knights of San Gavino with their festively caparisoned horses and by the traditional sound of the launeddas by the master Bruno Loi. On the 13th at 19.30 there will be mass with the participation of emigrants.

The program of civil celebrations is very rich . On Friday 11th at 10.15pm in Piazza Marconi there will be a musical evening with the group “Tieni il tempo”, on the 12th from 10.15pm to one o'clock there will be a musical show with the group “Game Over”. On Sunday 13, for the day of the emigrant, the Pro Loco has organized a dinner in Piazza Marconi at 8.30 pm, at 10.15 pm it will continue to music with Sardinian dance.

August 13th will be an important day because in recent decades San Gavino has increasingly become a country of emigrants and the month of August for many becomes an opportunity to return to their origins and greet friends and relatives who have not seen each other for some time. More and more young people are choosing the path of emigration in search of that job which too often, in Medio Campidano, remains only a distant mirage.

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