On Monday evening the robbery in the Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesù pharmacy in San Gavino Monreale . But his hiding didn't last long: yesterday, around 5 pm, he was tracked down by the Carabinieri .

During the investigation, the military arrested a 22-year-old from Monserrato , already known to the police . Suspicions had fallen on him after the Carabinieri of Villacidro and San Gavino viewed the video recorded by the commercial exercise's surveillance system . The video shows the young man nervously pointing his gun (which later turned out to be a toy weapon) at the three terrified pharmacists , raging against them for about a minute and a half.

In the subsequent house search, the clothing worn by the boy at the time of the robbery (a black and white tracksuit) was not found, but the sports shoes of a well-known brand, clearly visible in the offending video, were found.

The searches also extended to the surrounding area , where the soldiers - in a field close to the house - found the clothes and stolen goods. Cornered, the boy decided to collaborate, helping the military to find the gun (fake, but without the red cap) used to threaten the pharmacists. The young man was charged with aggravated robbery .


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